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Black and Scholes model is the most common model used to price options as it tends to capture the observed prices in the market.
The model makes certain assumptions, including:
The price of the option is linked to the following parameters:
Implementing this formula enables to price Call and Put options on many underlying. Even if this model does not take into consideration the dividend effect and volatility smile, it remains the standard to price options in the financial market.
Furthermore, Black and Scholes model enables to determine the relative option Greeks (delta, gamma, rho and theta). VOLTYLAB uses these parameters to track secondary market of Structured Products.
Implied volatility is one of the parameters used in Black and Scholes model. It can be considered as the market expectation of the volatility in the future and is an output from the market. Then, implied volatility can be deducted from Black and Scholes using the AT-The-Money options trading on the market. Furthermore, it is often opposed to historical volatility which is the standard deviation observed in the spot price given a period. As past performances are not reliable indicators, the implied volatility shows the potential variation of a stock in the coming period. The higher the implied volatility is, the higher price movements are expected.
Hence, from the data observed on the market, we are able to evaluate the volatility levels of underlying and understand the impact on the specific investment solution.